Fall 2024 Event Calendar
ATTENTION: Fruits, Roots & Perennial Vegetables workshop is full. Registration is now closed.

Invite the abundance of the tropics into your yard!
This class will give attendees an insight into the many edible and nutritious perennial crops that can be grown in Florida gardens. The focus of this class will be on highly diverse perennial plantings, often called “food forests”. These agroforestry-style plantings can yield delicious and nutritious food through the whole year with relatively low time and resource inputs compared to other types of gardening.
This class will be primarily led by Josh Jamison, drawing on over a decade of full time growing in Florida.
Perennial crops live for at least a few years, in contrast to typical garden vegetables which live for one season. We will look at the top performing perennial fruits and vegetable plants for Florida conditions. Although they live on a more annual cycle, we will also cover the tropical starchy root crops of the world and their role in Florida gardens.
This course will give attendees the tools to build a highly diverse home garden that yields all kinds of nutritious produce throughout the entire year.
Combining the proper crop choices with good design and management principles can produce incredibly high yielding garden systems. The course will include lectures but also walking tours and discussions on the farm. Cody Cove Farm hosts large diversified plantings with hundreds of types of edible crops that you can see and taste for yourself.
Meals at the event will be largely based on crops grown at the farm that are covered during this course.
Topics covered will include:
- Crop profiles
- Understanding the Florida climate
- Design
- Irrigation
- Propagation
- Fertility management