Aji Jobito Pepper


Aji Jobito is a relatively rare Venezuelan mild/spice pepper.  These have a unique fruity flavor that is better than most non-hot Capsicum chinense we have tried.  This comes from the Habanero group of peppers but only has a trace of heat, being mild enough for most people to enjoy in a salad.  Similar to “Aji Dulce” or “Cacucha” peppers but with a much richer flavor and thicker walls.  Plants are relatively long lived, perhaps growing and producing for up to a year.  From our original planting, we had one off-type plant that was extremely hot, which we culled.  Be aware that this can be an issue with this and other varieties that have had less focused selection by breeders.

This listing is for~ 20 seeds.  Capsicum chinense.

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Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 7 in


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