Teribe Sweet Pepper – Capsicum chinense


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This pepper is a variety of the Panamanian people group Teribe. It is a sweet Capsicum chinense (habanero group) like the Aji Dulce of Puerto Rico or Cachucha of Cuba. This is a diverse group of peppers that is very under represented in US seed catalogues.

**We previously had this listed as “Teribe Chombo”. Doing some research, we found out that the second word can be used as a racial slur, with some sources comparing it to the N-word in Panamanian culture. We apologize for using this word in our previous listing, having zero idea of the connotations. We only leave the unredacted word above in this explanation for clarity’s sake. We assume most people would be unaware of this term but we apologize sincerely if we caused any offense!**

This pepper has performed reasonably well for us with plants living the better part of a year with on and off production. It produces peppers in the heat of the summer when classic sweet peppers are out of the question in Florida.

The saved seed for this listing is from an off-type plant with a different shape that was ultra productive. This particular plant had zero heat. The new shape resembled a much larger Brazilian Biquinho and we wonder if this plant may have hybridized with Biquinho in last year’s grow out.

We have found some of the lesser known non-pungent Capsicum chinense peppers can be variable from one plant to the next and can sometimes throw out individuals with spicier fruit.

~ 40 seeds

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Weight .1 lbs


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