Cody Cove Farm and Nursery is a small family farm specializing in unique edible crop genetics. Our goal is to provide nutritious food to the community and promote sustainable agriculture through offering high quality plants and produce. Our focus is on collecting elite edible plant varieties from around the world and making them available to home gardeners, small farms and beyond.
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Mavuno Cowpea$5.00
Tainung #64 Sweet Potato Cuttings$13.00 – $20.00
Giant Brazilian Yellow Passionfruit Seeds$6.00
Sikil – Tropical Zucchini Alternative – Rare!$5.00
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Learn more about plant varieties, propagation techniques, plant care, harvest tutorials, recipes and more!
Mavuno Cowpea - A Soil Building Groundcover for Florida Perennial Gardens
Cody Cove Farm Patreon Proposal - Support Florida Specific Sustainable Agriculture Content
Tainung #64 - An Ultra Productive Sweet Potato for Florida
African Yam - Excellent Florida Adapted Root Crop - Dioscorea rotundata
Giant Brazilian Yellow Passionfruit - Excellent fruit for Florida Gardens
Cassava - The Importance of Variety Selection in Florida
African Chomolia - A Promising Perennial Brassica for Warm Climates