Tainung #64 Sweet Potato Cuttings (Pre-order)


**Please do not purchase other items with sweet potato pre-orders since they will ship later this year. Place two separate orders if you are purchasing any items in addition to sweet potato. This simplifies things on our end and allows us to not lose money paying for shipping twice when customers are only charged once.

**We are offering preorders of Tainung #64 sweet potato cuttings for the spring and summer of 2025. This will simplify things for us since we have a steady trickle of cuttings available as the plants grow. If you do a preorder, you will be able to secure some cuttings of this high demand item. 

We are offering what we feel is a realistic number of preorders we can fill. If for some unforeseen reason we have a crop failure and the order can’t be fulfilled, we will refund you in full. Thanks!

Tainung #64 is a sweet potato that was developed by a Taiwanese breeding program many decades ago.  This variety was the best producer in our 2 year sweet potato trial that included around 35 varieties.  Tainung #64 outproduced everything in the trial, surpassing even the second best variety by a wide margin.  We have had very consistent results from this variety for several years in a diversity of growing conditions.  Friends we have shared this variety with are beginning to report back with similarly positive results in different parts of the state. Plants are very vigorous and consistently produce large yields of roots which are primarily clustered directly under the main stem.  The roots have light orange flesh and are of good eating quality, roughly similar to a grocery store style sweet potato.  Until someone shows us something better, we think this is as good as it gets for sweet potato growing!  Roots are sometimes very early, and sometimes take around 120 days.  This may be related to daylength.

We mail healthy cuttings of terminal growth with 95 percent of foliage trimmed off.  Trimming foliage reduces water loss to stems and gives higher take rates.  Be aware that there may be times when no terminal growth is available in the field and we will have to send secondary vine cuttings which grow just fine.  Unfortunately, we have sweet potato weevil on our farm.  This pest seems to be ubiquitous throughout Florida.  We inspect cuttings for weevil entry holes before mailing but want customers to be aware of this situation before purchasing.

This listing is for 7 cuttings.  Ipomoea batatas.

In stock


Additional information

Weight 1.0 lbs

18 cuttings, 7 cuttings


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